Hi, I'm Bentley Hamm

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What I Do

I built and operated a successful specialized trucking company. Looking for a change, I'm building a new career as a software developer.

More About Me

My trucking career took me to so many different manufacturers, factories, and distributors over the years, exposing me to a large variety of industries and their processes. This gives me a very unique perspective into a broad variety of industries.

Problem solving skills that would make MacGyver proud. When you are hundreds of miles away from home, and encounter the inevitable issues of a service business, you must develop these skills to be successful. I take great pride in the reputation I developed as a "guy who just figures out how to get it done." This is a skill-set that is transferrable to all areas of life.

Natural born leader. I have had the distinct pleasure of being mentored by a couple of high quality individuals. They also taught me how to be a leader, and I have parlayed that into mentoring a couple of ambitious young guys to advance their skills and careers. I fully embrace and seek these opportunities.

The only constant in life is change. I embrace the challenge, and move towards it. I made the decision to take control of my life, make a total body transformation, learn a new skill, and change careers. It has been a glorious ride, and the best is yet to come.

I am actively seeking a position as a software developer, if you are looking for someone that others would love to have on their team, you have found what you're looking for! In the meantime, I enjoy doing freelance work, if you need a website, please contact me, we'll discuss it, make a plan, and I will get it built.

Skills & Certifications

Fullstack entry level developer with a primary focus on HTML, CSS, & JS. About to start learning React. I believe you learn by doing, I am looking to immerse myself in a real world experience opportunity. Download Resume

  • Effective Communication
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Git and Github
  • Teamwork & Collaboration
  • Continuous Self Improvement

My Projects and Skill Progression

landing page project screenshot
Landing Page Project
My Second Hosted Project

This is a project I expanded upon to make something personal from The Odin Project training curriculum.
Launch the site

Code & Version Control on GitHub

calculator project screenshot
Calculator JS Project
I'm Proud Of This Project

A JavaScript learning project.
I am proud of this project. I created the UI visual interface completely on my own, by just looking at the calculator on my desk and asking "How would I create this and make it appear real?"
Launch the calculator

Code & Version Control on GitHub

recipes page project screenshot
Treeangle Woodworks Project
Currently Under Construction

This is a project I am currently building for my first customer.
Ask me for more details

My Motto

"The only thing that is impossible,
is to stifle the imagination of a determined human!"

Contact Me

I've come a long way since this site, come visit me at:

Summit Web Creations

Copyright © Bentley Hamm